Rohingyas Ignored

Rohingayas citizens of Rakhine provience of Myanmar are from a long time suffering from military breakdown by Burma Army after terrorist attacks on police in this area involving Rohingyas.
But as a result all Rohingyas kids women old all are tortured by Burma Army and are force to leave their homenation and migrate to Bangladesh and India.

ASEAN summit is taking place in Phillipines and Myanmar being member of the summit still there is no comment on Rohingyas issue although ASEAN includes south east nations of Asia and also nations like India as guest ............

So the question is that what is the purpose of such summits ..Yes it's true that their main objective is to promote trade but still if such a issue is burning humanity in this region then there must be a mention of the issue so to show that these nations are serious on crimes done by states on ground of terrorism ......
