Umbrella Movement - 2014 (Hong Kong)

The Umbrella Movement was a political movement that emerged during the Democracy protests of 2014 in Hong Kong.
Its name arose from the use of umbrellas as a tool for passive resistance and hiding from the pepper spray used by the use of pepper spray by Hong  Kong Police to disperse the crowd during a 79-day occupation of the city demanding more transparent elections, which was sparked by a decision of the Standing Committee of National People's Congress (NPCSC) of 31 August, 2014 that prescribed a selective pre-screening of candidates for the 2017 election.

The name 'Umbrella Revolution' was coined by Adam Cotton on Twitter on 26 September 2014 and it is also remembered by another name the Occupy Central Campaign.

Almost all students in universities of Hong Kong were in echo of 2014 Hong Kong class boycott campaign, and fully supported the "Umbrella Movement". 

Wong and two other prominent Hong Kong pro-democracy student leaders, Nathan Law and Alex Chow, were sentenced to six to eight months' imprisonment on 17 August 2017 for occupying Civic Square at the Central Government Complex at Tamar site. The sentence was expected to impair their political careers, as they faced barring from running for public office for five years


  1. All this will one day lead to end of Chinese oppression


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