
Showing posts from June, 2019

US deploys fighter jets in Gulf keeping Iran in view

The US has deployed  F-22 stealth fighters to Qatar for the first time, its military said on Friday, adding to a buildup of US forces in the Gulf amid tensions with Iran.  The Air Force F-22 Raptor stealth fighters have been deployed "to defend American forces and interests," the US Air Forces Central Military Command said in a statement that did not specify how many of the hi-tech planes had been sent. A photo handout showed five of the jets flying above the Al Udeid Air Base in Qatar. So all this will further lead to rise in tensions in Gulf and oil crisis is on cards .

US launches cyber attack on Iran

The US military launched a cyber-attack on Iranian weapons systems on Thursday, according to sources, as President Donald Trump backed away from plans for a more conventional strike in response to Iran’s downing of a US surveillance drone . The hack disabled Iranian computer systems that controlled its rocket and missile launchers. Two of the officials said the attacks, which specifically targeted computer systems of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), had been provided as options after two oil tankers were bombed. The IRGC has been designated a foreign terrorist group by the Trump administration already.

Umbrella Movement - 2014 (Hong Kong)

The  Umbrella Movement   was a political movement that emerged during the Democracy protests of 2014 in Hong  Kong . Its name arose from the use of umbrellas as a tool for passive resistance and hiding from the pepper spray used by the  use  of pepper spray by Hong  Kong Police to disperse the crowd during a 79-day occupation of the city demanding more transparent elections, which was sparked by a decision of  the Standing Committee of National People's Congress  (NPCSC) of 31 August, 2014 that prescribed a selective pre-screening of candidates for the 2017 election. The name 'Umbrella Revolution' was coined by Adam Cotton on Twitter on 26 September 2014 and it is also remembered by another name the Occupy Central Campaign. Almost all students in universities of Hong Kong were in echo of 2014 Hong Kong class boycott campaign, and fully supported the "Umbrella Movement".  Wong and two other prominent Hong Kong pro-democracy student leaders, Nathan Law

India - SCO Condems terror of all kinds

SCO member  states including India ( represented by Prime Minenister  Narendra Modi ) in  on Friday condemned terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, and called on the international community to promote cooperation in combating the deadly menace with cleanest of approach without any discrimination. Meanwhile Prime Minister Modi also highlighted the need to force nations to stop their support to terrorism in any way.

Tianamen - Communists bad

Tiananmen Squarein  is in the center of Beijing, On June 04 1989 Chinese military stormed it  killing and arresting thousands of pro-democracy protesters. The brutal Chinese government assault killing thousands  of  the protesters shocked the West and brought denunciations and sanctions from the United States. It was an aftermath of a month long pro-democracy protest in which  nearly a million protesters mostly young students, crowded into central Beijing to protest for greater democracy and call for the resignations of Chinese Communist Party leaders deemed too repressive which was in no way hearable for Communists. For nearly three weeks, the protesters kept up daily vigils, and marched and chanted which irritated the rulers further. Western media captured much of the events.