
Showing posts from January, 2017

Mourning Mosque

In southern Tunisia, Aboubaker Thabti's parents could not understand how their son was taken from them in a shooting in a Quebec City mosque. When he left his home country for Canada with his wife and two children some six years ago, he saw it as a new beginning, not an end. Instead, he became one of six men who died on Sunday night in Quebec while they were saying prayers.

Beating Retreat in India

          India is celebrating it Beating Retreat

Celebrating The Republic

Image India is celebrating its Republic day which will be followed by Republic day parade tomorrow in DELHI. with the crowned prince of U.A.E. as Chief guest.  

Syria Crisis

Iran, Russia and Turkey say they will jointly enforce a fragile three-week cessation of hostilities in Syria. *The announcement came  two days after the  peace talks in the Kazakh capital, Astana. In a joint statement, the three countries said there was no military solution to the Syrian conflict. *It was still not clear whether the Syrian government or the opposition backed the communique. Earlier, a rebel spokesman said "no agreements" would be signed. *More than 300,000 people have been killed and 11 million others displaced since the so called uprising against President Bashar al-Assad began in March 2011. *The "trilateral mechanism" was agreed between Russia and Iran, which back Mr Assad's government, and Turkey(NATO) , which supports the opposition. The two main players in the matter. *It would " observe and ensure full compliance with the ceasefire, prevent any provocation and determine all modalities" , the statemen

UDTA Punjab???????????


Today In History

Today In History.......... Genetics scientist HAR GOBIND KHORANA was born I PHONE was announced first time by Steve Jobs MAHATMA GANDHI returned back to Mumbai from South Africa.

Life without Internet is really difficult

MAJURO, Marshall Islands:  The Marshall Islands have been plunged into an Internet blackout, angering businessmen as repairs are made to the country’s submarine fibre-optic cable. 

Thailand Floods

At least 18 died in recent floods in Thailand 


In a setback for religious freedom, the Sindh governor, under pressure from Islamic hardliners, yesterday returned a bill that criminalises forced religious conversion................,.......


As the year 2017 started we all thought there will be some relief from terrorism but incident at Istanbul was opposite.................. But together we will stop this and make this world a better place to live in......... HAPPY NEW YEAR ALL......... KUN FAYA KUN